Agenda de Eventos Feministas em Portugal


Workshop - “The Vulva View and Draw”

WORKSHOP - “The Vulva View and Draw” com Sarah Hickson e Shannon Lawn

A inscrição é limitada a 20 pessoas, enviando e-mail para

Os participantes têm de trazer: cobertor, toalha, almofada, material de pintura/desenho favorito, espelho de mão, um item que simbolize a tua sexualidade (para um altar de sexualidade sagrado).

Sarah Hickson and Shannon Lawn will head a workshop sharing her research and self-study on female anatomy and arousal. They will start by discussing/looking at the general female anatomy, such as all the bits, nice spots and internal functioning. Then move on to the different types of Vulva and how much variety exists, plus characteristics of each type. Anyone who wants to participate can join them after the discussion, in getting to know and drawing our/their own vulvas.

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